The Ripple: Beginnings Series Book 5


A plague has wiped out humanity and a new civilization emerges. Tucked safely behind their iron walls, protected from the horrors of the plague ravaged world, the citizens of this community live as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Their own ways of life are often comical and heartbreaking. But it’s their world … welcome to Beginnings, Montana

The Ripple is the fifth book and adds a science fiction twist to the post-apocalyptic Beginnings Series. Dr. Jason Godrichson, Beginnings newest resident, has introduced the Quantum Regressionator, an actual working time machine. While he doesn’t promote time travel, he and Joe see it as their only option. Go back to the past to gather information that can help defeat the Caceres Society in the present and divert the oncoming new plague.

Jason and Joe have a backup plan for their backup plan but things don’t always go as planned. In keeping with the reputation of mixing comedy and drama, the ever twisted world of Beginnings becomes even more delightfully demented. Joe and Jason make a mistake and Beginnings will never be the same because the person they send back in time to save the world----is Frank