The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10
A plague has wiped out humanity and a new civilization emerges. Tucked safely behind their iron walls, protected from the horrors of the plague ravaged world, the citizens of this community live as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Their own ways of life are often comical and heartbreaking. But it’s their world … welcome to Beginnings, Montana
The Horse Soldier is the Tenth Book in the Beginnings Series and the most unforgettable one, yet.
Beginnings is not the same since Frank has disappeared. Many mourn him, but the Society celebrates because they have him. Not only that, following an odd and funny case of amnesia, Frank is now a Society soldier.
Beginnings plans his rescue, but not without sacrifice.
The new band of Horse Soldiers are ready to help. The leader of the UWA has a special bond with Beginnings and finally he and Joe are face to face. His reveal is not the only one.
Society insiders are plenty in Beginnings, more than anyone realizes. And the revelation of one insider could be the most heartbreaking.
Never without humor and quirky characters you love and hate, the battle continues as it is West versus East. The UWA and Beginnings against the Society in this action packed, emotionally charged and epic adventure of the series.